långpromenix <3

<3~ 3


A secret's safe behind a pretty smile
but it's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine
this little blue bird came looking for you
this little blue bird came looking for you

Learning to Breathe

Hjärtat <3

holding my last breath
another slepless night...!
i've been working hard so long seems like pay has been my only friend
my fragile heart's been done so wrong
i wondered if i'd ever heal again
ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
all around me i can feel a change (ohh)
i will break these chains that bind me,
happiness will find me leave the past behind me,
today my life begins a whole new world is waiting
it's mine for the takin i know i can make it, today my life begins
yesterday has come and gone and i've learnt how to leave
it where it is and i see that i was wrong for ever doubting i could win
i will break these chains that bind me,
happiness will find me leave the past behind me,
today my life begins a whole new world is waiting
it's mine for the takin i know i can make it, today my life begins
life's to short to have regrets so i'm learning now to leave
it in the past and try to forget only have one life to live so
you better make the best of it
i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me leave the past behind
my fragile heart's been done so wrong
i wondered if i'd ever heal again
ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
all around me i can feel a change (ohh)
i will break these chains that bind me,
happiness will find me leave the past behind me,
today my life begins a whole new world is waiting
it's mine for the takin i know i can make it, today my life begins
yesterday has come and gone and i've learnt how to leave
it where it is and i see that i was wrong for ever doubting i could win
i will break these chains that bind me,
happiness will find me leave the past behind me,
today my life begins a whole new world is waiting
it's mine for the takin i know i can make it, today my life begins
life's to short to have regrets so i'm learning now to leave
it in the past and try to forget only have one life to live so
you better make the best of it
i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me leave the past behind
This is the part when you disappear!!
Liten nostalgi tripp helt enkelt , helt ok och extremly söt :)
Every passing minute is another minute to change everything around..

För att vara mina första cupcakes.... så ser man att de är mina första..

Ånaboda !
Stop visiting my brain...

och är det inte verklighet så drömmer jag...

Länge leve länge sen som jag minns det var det lätt även när jag trillade omkull





2010/2011 orkar jag inte bry mig om!
Får se om jag lägger upp mer awesome emo bilder någon gång !!!
LOL :d
känner lite smått att jag blev jätte glad.. så bjuder på några bilder till!!

självklart en bild på mitt hjärta!! <3